xenharmonic music造句


  1. Other composers of xenharmonic music include Elodie Lauten, Wendy Carlos, Ivor Darreg, Paul Erlich and many others.
  2. :: : : Well the thing is that there are very active communities at least off wiki in the field of Xenharmonic music.
  3. Other than pitch bend, GarageBand is limited to the pitches and intervals of standard 12-tone equal temperament, so it does not natively support xenharmonic music.
  4. The focus will be on microtonal and xenharmonic music; tunings such as New Standard Tuning for guitars that fall completely within 12-tone equal temperament don't belong to this project.
  5. Or Talk : Xenharmonic music, not sure even that would really fit under Music Theory because the whole idea is music that sounds different from twelve tone music, has some parallels with standard ideas of music theory but in many ways needs a different treatment.
  6. It's difficult to find xenharmonic music in a sentence. 用xenharmonic music造句挺难的
  7. The very intrepid may simply want to treat it as a xenharmonic music interval; depending on the size of the meantone fifth it can be made to be exactly 20 / 13 or 17 / 11, or less commonly to 32 / 21 or 49 / 32.
  8. "' Xenharmonic music "'is music whose instruments, and tuning-systems which do not sound like the 12-tone-equal temperament . . . . Xenharmonics is intended to include just intonation and such temperaments as the 5-, 7-, and 11-tone, along with the higher-numbered really-microtonal systems as far as one wishes to go ."
  9. John Chalmers, author of " Divisions of the Tetrachord ", writes : " The converse of this definition is that music which can be performed in 12-tone equal temperament without significant loss of its identity is not truly " microtonal " . " Thus xenharmonic music may be distinguished from the more common twelve-tone equal temperament, as well as some use of just intonation and equal temperaments, by the use of unfamiliar intervals, harmonies, and timbres.


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